
Written by Barbara

FAQ - Contact Lists

Where the answer to your questions probably is.

Why is my file not uploading ?

Uploading a file is very straight forward, just make sure it is in the correct format (.CSV, .TEXT, .XSLX) and that you are selecting the correct columns for the numbers or any other information you wish to import.

Why can't I add more lists ?

All accounts have a limit to the number of lists, tags and contacts they are allowed to add. It is all based on your subscription plan.

Can I export my contact lists ?

For GDPR/ Security reasons this is NOT possible, please get in touch with us if you wish to import any lists.

I imported my file, but the contacts are not appearing - What can I do ?

If after 60 seconds of having imported your file you are unable to see any contacts in your list, first, delete your browser cache and then import the list again. This usually resolves the issue.

For any questions regarding your order, billing questions or any problem, please don't hesitate to contact us.
