Contact Lists
Upload an Excel file
This article explains the process in order to successfully upload an Excel file.
Contact list vs Global List, how to create a list, import a file, using tags and sending to multiple lists/tags.
How to know who has replied "STOP" to your marketing campaign.
This article shows you the steps to follow if you want to know which numbers in your contact list have replied "STOP" to your marketing campaigns.
My campaign is not being sent to my entire contact list.
This article will let you know the reasons why you campaign is not sending to your entire contact list.
How to personalize your SMS Campaigns.
This article will show you how to personalize your campaigns so you can automatically include the name, last name or any other personal information.
Whitelist a Number
This article explains the procedure to follow when you wish to whitelist a number (be able to send an SMS to someone who has replied STOP)
How to modify/edit my contact list.
This article will show you how you can edit or modify, and all the other options you can do to your contact list.
What is the format to enter recipient numbers?
This article explains the format your numbers must have when sending SMS in France and/or internationally.
FAQ - Contact Lists
Where the answer to your questions probably is.