
Maurice Nataf
Written by Maurice Nataf

Prestashop Module Documentation

Install and customize Octopush in your Prestashop store.


Octopush SMS module for Prestashop is a text-messaging service for sending notifications, alerts, reminders, confirmations and SMS marketing campaigns.

  • Attract more leads. Send Bulk SMS campaigns with special offers and grow your sales.
  • Re-engage with shoppers. Remind your customers of their abandoned carts to finish their purchases.
  • Improve customer relationship. Let your customers know when their shipping is arriving.

Installing the module

To install the module you will need:

1) Get the module

Download the FREE module directly from your Octopush account (click here if you need help opening your account).

Sign in to your Octopush account. You’ll see a screen just like this.

Click on API & Plugins, and then on Plugins et Modules and you’ll see all of our modules. Click on the pink buttons to start downloading according to the version of Prestashop that you have.

After downloading, you’ll see a file like this one in your Downloads folder. We’ll use it for the installation later on.

2) Quick Installation

Go to your Prestashop account to install the module.

Enter your Prestashop account with your email address and password.

Go to Modules and then to Module Catalog

Click on “Install a module”

Select the module you downloaded from your Octopush account and click “Open”.

Once the module is installed, click on “Configure”.

3) Connect your Octopush account

This is the Configuration panel for your module.

Go to Settings and enter your Octopush information to connect your account. Then, enter your account configuration for the module.

To get the email and API Key from Octopush, sign in to your account and go to API & Plugins, API Key and Login.

Copy the information into your Prestashop’s settings

Enter the rest of the information according to your preferences and click on “Update” to save.

Update the module to newer versions

If a previous Octopush module is already installed on your shop, follow these instructions.

Make a backup of the “Overrides” folder of your FTP. Then remove all the overrides created by the old module:

  • Controllers: CartController, OrderContrroller, OrderOocController, PasswordController
  • Classes: mail

Note: these files could have been modified by another module. If that’s the case, remove the code corresponding to the Octopush module. Contact us to [email protected] if you need assistance doing so.

Remove the file “class_index.php” in the folder or cache of your shop (if it exists), and flush the marty cache from your backend.

In your backend, install the Octopush v2 module by selecting the new zip file.

Now you can completely uninstall and remove the old module.

Configuration Panel

This is the Configuration panel for your module.


Here you’ll find all the updates related to the different versions of the module.

When a new version becomes available, you’ll be notified on this tab. Before performing an update, back up the old version following the instructions given in the section “Installing the Prestashop module” of this guide.


Here you’ll have to enter your Octopush information to connect your account and enter your account configuration for the module.

  • Admin mobile number: the phone number you’ll use to send SMS to your customers. It should include international code and a + before the number, eg. +33758341697
  • Sender name or phone number: this is the name your customers will see when they get your SMS. Insert the name of your store here in no less than 4 characters, and a maximum of 11. It can include numbers and letters.
  • Send alert when account under: this is an alert for the admin. It will trigger an SMS when your credit on Octopush goes below this value, so you’ll be aware that you need to recharge it. Enter the value you want in euros.
  • Free order status notification: select yes if you want to offer a status notification via SMS to your customers for free. If you wish to make this service optional and charge them if they decide to get it, select the option No, customer have to pay the option. Note: the paid option is not compatible with carts that contain only virtual products.

How to calculate the amount of SMS per message

After the settings you’ll see this Information box regarding the cost of SMS due to the number of characters or value of special characters.

It shows characters that are replaced automatically, authorized characters for a Standard Message and the special characters that count per 2.

Note: a Standard Message is divided into 160 characters long and it costs 1 SMS if all of its characters are included in the list. If one or more characters are not in the list, then the message is divided into 70 characters long parts and each part will cost 1 SMS.

Messages Management

Here you can edit all of the automated SMS you can send to yourself and to your customers.

SMS for Admin

These are messages that you send to yourself to notify of important events on your Prestashop store. You can trigger messages for these events:

  • a new account is created
  • a new order is placed
  • you receive a return request
  • a product gets out of stock
  • your Octopush account is almost out of balance
  • to receive a daily report

SMS for customer

These are messages that you send to your customers to notify of important events on their accounts or orders. You can trigger messages for these events:

  • ask for a new password
  • sponsorship or referral program
  • when product is now available
  • they place a new order
  • shipping number is updated
  • the status on their order changes

How to edit the messages

To the left, you’ll see the event that will trigger the action (in this example, the message will be sent to the customer every time a New Order is placed).

Edit the message on the left white box. Include as many variables as you like (below you’ll see the ones that you can use).

Above the white box, you’ll see a checkbox. If checked, it’ll set your message live.

On the right you'll have a preview of your message as your recipient will see it.

After configuring your messages, click on “Update”. To restore all of the texts to default, click on “Reset all messages”.

Send SMS

Here is where you can send your SMS campaigns from.

How to send an SMS Campaign

Give your campaign a title and write your message. If you wish to, you can use the variables listed right below the textbox where you write your SMS. Note: the title of your campaign is for internal use only. Your recipients won’t see it.

Set the date and hour for the delivery. Note: the timezone is GMT+1.

Choose the recipients entering their phone numbers, uploading them with a CSV file (Excel) or create your own segment with the information you collect from your Prestashop store. Note: always click the green + to add the recipients to your list.

Check that you have available credit in the Information box on the right.

Click on “Save campaign” if you wish to keep editing later. If you’re ready to go, click on “Transmit to Octopush”. You can also delete or duplicate the campaign with the other buttons. Note: you have to keep going to the next step to successfully send your campaign.

In the next window, you’ll have to “Accept and Send”.

List of campaigns not sent

To see your campaigns that are in construction, waiting for validation or in other status rather than sent, go to “Back to the list” from the Send SMS tab.

Here you’ll find your saved campaigns. To edit, click on the edit icon on the right.

Settings for the SMS

This is where you compose the message of your campaign.

Title of the campaign: enter a title to recognize your campaign easily. This is only for internal use and your recipients won’t see it.

Message: type here the text of your SMS. You can include the variables that you see below the textbox to personalize your message (like first name and last name).

Send date: this is the date when the message will be delivered.

Choose the recipients

Select the recipients of your campaign with one of the following 4 methods. Consider that duplicated numbers will be automatically removed.

Enter the recipient details

Enter the phone number manually with country code. Eg. +33758341697. You can also include First name and Last name if you wish.

Remember to press the sign + to add the recipient to your list.

Search for customers

Start typing the phone, ID, first name or last name of your customers to look for them on your Prestashop database.

Upload a CSV file

If you have the phone numbers of your contacts in Excel or Sheets, you can upload it here in CSV format. After uploading remember to click on the sign + to add them to your recipients list.

Here’s an example of how it should look like in Excel or Google Sheets. In the same column, include the phone number with the sign + and country code followed by the name and last name separated with the sign ;.

Note: to avoid the formula in Google Sheets when you put the sign +, type the sign ‘ first like you see in the example below.

Create your own query

You can choose to segment your customers with the data you collect from them with Prestashop. Create your target audience combining the following variables:

  • Country
  • Groups: visitor, guest, customer
  • Gender
  • Birthday: from a certain date to another.
  • Registration date
  • Last connexion date
  • Number of orders
  • List of recipients

Once you’ve added your recipients, you’ll see them here. You’ll notice that the Number of recipients in the Information tab will also increase.

To delete any of your recipients, click the button on the right.


Here you’ll see all the information about the status of your campaign.

  • Amount in your account: the credit you have left in your Octopush account. You can add more credits for your campaigns by clicking in Buy credits or directly from your Octopush account
  • Campaign ID: number that identifies your SMS campaign sent from Prestashop with this module
  • Ticket: number that identifies your SMS campaign in Octopush. Use this number if you ever have to report a technical problem to [email protected]
  • Status: status of your campaign. “In construction” when you’re crafting your message, and “Waiting for validation” when you’ve transmitted to Octopush but still pending to Accept and Send.
  • Recipients: number of recipients that will receive the message on your campaign
  • No. of SMS: how many SMS are on your message. Note: to learn more, go to Settings > How to calculate the amount of SMS per message in this guide
  • Price: how much will be the cost of your campaign (in Euros)
  • Send date: when your campaign was created
  • Transmission date: date when your request was sent to Octopush from Prestashop module
  • Validation date: the date you clicked on "Accept & Send"

SMS History

Access the module from Prestashop

To go back to the Octopush module Configuration to edit your automated messages or send an SMS campaign, go to Modules and then to Module Manager.

Support & Resources

We hope you found this guide useful, but in case of any doubts, questions or comments, please email us to [email protected]

For more free resources, tutorials, templates or tips on how to improve your SMS Marketing strategy visit our or our YouTube channel.
